Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

This Friday- June 19, 2020
3:00-6:45 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Benediction
7:00 p.m. Low Mass

All are invited to offer a minimum of 7 minutes of prayer for the intention of Evangelization, please consider the Lord’s merciful invitation to pray and rest in Him, “I am deeply grieved, even to death, remain here, and stay awake with me (Matt 26:38).” St. Margaret Mary has said,

“The divine heart of Jesus is an abyss of all blessings, and into it the poor should always submerge”

Forever home for Joe Alves’ Dog Duke

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Dear Parishioners,
Last week Joe Alves our maintenance man for many years at Corpus Christi passed away. Please keep him in your prayers.

He has left behind his beloved dog Duke.

Duke is an 11-year-old male, medium sized with a few extra pounds. He is sweet and prefers being the only pet if possible. He loves being petted and doted on. A treat also goes a long way!

Duke was Joe’s faithful companion and now he is ready to give all his love to a new forever family. Would you consider adopting him?

If interested, please call the parish office and leave your name and number 743-254-1800 ext. 10

A message from Bishop Checchio

A message from the Bishop to Fr. Damian (Father Damian asked us to share this with parishioners):

I know these are challenging times for us personally, but also as a Church and nation. So much sadness surrounds us. Thanks be to God for our faith and daily prayer which anchors us in hope! The joys of Easter reminded us of this clearly, after the sacrifices of Lent. I’ve been praying for you daily, personally and for your sacred ministry which is a source of hope for our people which flows from your own conviction of Christ’s triumph over death and destruction. I am heartened to hear from so many of our people about their confidence and trust they have in you; all the ways you go above and beyond for them in these difficult times. Never think your efforts for good go unnoticed!

At our recent diocesan pastoral council meeting, one of our Chinese members spoke about the suffering of the Chinese Catholic Americans springing from all the reports of the virus coming from their land of origin. They are hurting, and I am sure that many of our Asian brothers and sisters in our diocese are feeling it too. We have such a large and growing number of Asians in our diocese. Additionally, the tragic and senseless murder of George Floyd has shown to all the world the racism that our black brothers and sisters in our country experience all too often. It has been heartbreaking to see this wound torn open again. It has wisely been observed that “racism is America’s original sin.” It’s sad, but a truth we must face.

Yesterday’s Office of Readings for the Ugandan Martyrs prophetically reminded us in prayer about violence done to other Africans: “African martyrs herald the dawn of a new age. If only the mind of man might be directed not toward persecutions and religious conflicts but toward a rebirth of Christianity and civilization!” How we still need this rebirth; we must pray for it and work for it. “The infamous crime by which these young men were put to death was so unspeakable and so expressive of the times. It shows us clearly that a new people needs a moral foundation, needs new spiritual customs firmly planted, to be handed down to posterity.” How we still need this moral foundation, which we must work to give birth to in our times. We value and defend every human life from conception until natural death because we know that God has made every person in His own likeness and image. Racism has no place in this new moral foundation. This is central truth of our sacred ministry to prophetically announce the Gospel message that we are all sisters and brothers in the sight of the One Father of us all.

I am attaching to this email our Holy Father’s message of yesterday to us Americans. I’m certainly grateful for his intervention. So much of what we hear and read from our news outlets is so politically charged. It is difficult to know the truth of what actually is taking place as they report on different events. We do know that at the root of much of what we see is racism, bigotry, hatred and the violence that has come from the effects of our fallen nature in need of God’s continuing redemptive grace. These social wounds rightly occupy so much of our prayer in these days. We must reflect deeply in prayer, inform ourselves more extensively about the social teachings of the Church and preach and teach confidently to our people so desperately in need of the Word of Life that we were ordained to bring to them. Our message has to be solidly pro-life and include all these aspects, not just focusing on one aspect or another, thus risking that we fall into the political narrative that drives so much of our media!

I also have asked that our offices provide you with some model prayers for the petitions at Mass. We certainly pray for the soul of George Floyd and all who have died as a result of racism, as well as all those who suffer as a result of this great sin, even as we pray for peace.
Know of my love and prayers. May Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede for us for the great gift of peace.

God bless,

A message from Pope Francis

A message from Pope Francis:

Dear brothers and sisters in the United States,

I have witnessed with great concern the disturbing social unrest in your nation in these past days, following the tragic death of Mr. George Floyd.

My friends, we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life. At the same time, we have to recognize that “the violence of recent nights is self-destructive and self-defeating.

Nothing is gained by violence and so much is lost.”

Today I join the Church in Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and in the entire United States, in praying for the repose of the soul of George Floyd and of all those others who have lost their lives as a result of the sin of racism. Let us pray for the consolation of their grieving families and friends and let us implore the national reconciliation and peace for which we yearn. May Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, intercede for all those who work for peace and justice in your land and throughout the world.

May God bless all of you and your families.

Updated In-Person Mass Schedule

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Revised Mass Schedule for Corpus Christi RC Church South River: Effective June 13-14, 2020
In light of the pandemic and the need to sanitize and make our worship gathering safe as possible, the Sunday Mass schedule will resume with the following minor adjustments:

  1. Confessions will be heard from 3:30pm to 4:30pm every Saturday outdoors by the Grotto in back, lower church weather permitting. If the weather is inclement then the lower church will be utilized, and a sign posted on the lower church door. As during the pandemic, I’m always available through an appointment if convenient or needed for any individual. At this time, we are not permittedto use the confessional in church.
  2. Mass Times for Sunday:
    • Saturday Vigil Mass: 5pm as customary. This Mass will be livestreamed for those who for health or other reasons cannot attend Sunday Mass at this time.
    • Brazilian/Portuguese Vigil Mass at 7pm at the Grotto weather permitting, lawn chairs permitted but social distancing required both for seating and communion line (six feet apart). If weather is not suitable, Mass is inside the church. Currently the church can have 110 people attend. Ushers will need count folks attending and entering at the front doors only.
      On the weekends, the side doors of the church are not be used for entering or exiting at anytime so we can control the crowd numbers.
    • Sunday Masses: 8am at the Grotto (Lawn chair Mass). If weather is not clement, we will have Mass inside the church. The 8:30am Mass is now officially changed to 8am throughout the year.
    • Sunday 10am (inside)
    • Sunday 11:45am – Portuguese Mass. This time was adjusted to allow for sanitizing the church after the 10am Mass.
    • Sunday 3pm Sung Traditional Latin Mass (inside)
    • Sunday 5pm (inside)

A few observations and practical suggestions:
Bishop Checchio has suspended the canonical obligation to attend Sunday Mass until further notice because of the pandemic. However, I must remind everyone that the precept to observe Sunday as “The Day of the Lord or the Christian Sabbath,” means that we are still required to make the day holy whether we attend Mass or not at this time. Some time-honored practices include: praying together as a family or with others as in the Holy Rosary, watch Mass live streamed together, read and prayerfully recollect upon the Sunday Mass readings, practice charity, engage in some spiritual reading, rest from servile labor, etc.

Weekday Mass schedule remains the same.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:30 a.m.

Confessions prior to the Wednesday TLM Mass will be held at the Grotto weather permitting or the lower church starting at 5pm and ending at 5:45pm.
6:15 p.m. Low Mass

If an individual has serious health related issues, they might want to attend a weekday Mass versus a Sunday Mass.
Any questions, comments, please contact me at 732-254-1800, ext. 18.

In another letter I will explain the procedure for the distribution of Holy Communion. Look for that later today or by Wednesday.

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fr. Damian Breen