A message from Deacon Kevin

Today is the Second Sunday of Easter, or the Sunday in the Octave of Easter, or also known as Divine Mercy Sunday- which is a recent addition to this day from the mid twentieth century to now. But for many centuries in Christendom it was known as “Quasimodo Sunday”. Quasimodo? Isn’t that the name of the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Why would this day be called that?
Well, like Laetare Sunday or Gaudete Sunday the name comes from the introit (opening prayer) of the Mass for that day. Today’s introit which is taken from 1 Peter 2:2-3, says: “Quasi modo geniti infantes, rationabile, sine dolo lac concupiscite ut in eo crescatis in salutem si gustastis dulcis Dominus.” (As newborn babes, desire the rational milk without guile that thereby you may grown unto salvation, since you have tasted that the Lord is sweet.”
It is used at this particular Sunday Mass to refer to the newly baptized at Easter, and to all the baptized generally.

In Victor Hugo’s novel, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, he writes: “Sixteen years previous to the epoch when this story takes place, one fine morning, on Quasimodo Sunday, a living creature had been deposited, after Mass, in the Church of Notre Dame, on the wooden bed securely fixed in the vestibule on the left, opposite that great image of Saint Christopher…”

Victor Hugo’s story is a tale of redemption in the fqace of corruption, the sublime versus the grotesque. While the world prided itself on being beautiful on the outside, yet was bitter and ugly on the inside, only Quasimodo, the disfigured hunchback in Hugo’s story, understood the value, and the pain, of being inwardly transformed in the innocent loving of others.
This love is not unlike the love of Christ that took Him to the Cross.
May the God of mercy bless you and yours this Eastertide!

A message from Fr. Damian – PART 2

One might find it surprising, but it is impossible to discover an image of the crucifix existing before the sixth century. Even then, the only one that can be found is carved on the massive bronze doors of the cathedral in Ravenna. It is a mere panel among a number of other panels. Tucked away in the upper left-hand corner, it is easily missed by the casual observer.
This seemingly strange circumstance is easily understood by putting ourselves in the mindset of the ancient Roman world, albeit drawing its last breath. Crucifixion was one of the most humiliating sentences devised by the Roman Imperium, imposed for the most shameful crimes, involving one of the most excruciating deaths.

Understandably, crucifixion was not a matter of boasting. One would want it kept hidden, like a relative who suffered execution by a firing squad. Even though suffered by a loved one, it would never be spoken of except in embarrassed whispers.

Seen that way, it is no wonder the early Church kept Our Lord’s crucifixion locked away in the silence of red-faced shame. If a cross did appear, it was encrusted with jewels as a boisterous reminder of Our Lord’s glorious resurrection. After all, who would not want to forget the hours of that awful Friday when the world turned dark, the earth shook, and temple curtains were mysteriously torn from top to bottom? And those grisly details of Roman soldiers pounding the plaited crown of thorns deep into the skull of Our Savior, the blows of the hammer that spiked His hands and feet to the cross, and the outsized, clumsy rusted nails that broiled Our Lord’s open nerves whenever he tried to lift His body even a little—to relieve the strain on His hands, or to take a small breath into His drowning lungs. This was an ordeal that anyone would want forever forgotten.

Even us. Even today. It is understandable why the world turns away from the Crucifixion. It sees only senseless death. Nothing else. It is exactly how they look at their lives in this world—senseless. And then they die. When John Maynard Keynes was asked about deficit spending, and the numbing legacy of debt left to our children, he quipped insouciantly, “In the long run we’re all dead.” Spoken as a true man of the modern world. Even worse, a certain slice of modernity sees faith in Christ as a failure to grow up, like a bad case of thumb-sucking into adulthood. The late Elizabeth Fox Genovese expressed the attitude perfectly. This preeminent professor of history and women’s studies at Emory University converted from the chic atheism of the university to the Catholic Faith. She later wrote of the price she paid:

Thus when, in December 1995, I was received into the Catholic Church, my non-believing colleagues tactfully refrained from comment, primarily, I suspect, because they literally did not know what to say. More likely than not, many assumed that, having lived through some difficult years, I was turning to faith for some form of irrational consolation, consequently from their perspective, to acknowledge my conversion would, implicitly, have been to acknowledge my vulnerability… From their perspective, I had exiled myself from acceptable conversation of any kind.

But why do Catholics look away? Why has it become a seeming commandment in many Catholic churches to depose the crucifix from its sanctuary? Why have even more replaced the crucified Savior with an epicene resurrected One? Differing theological emphases? Oh, no. Perhaps changing artistic tastes? Most definitely not. Something graver is afoot here. Displacement of the crucifix is always a demand for an easy Catholicism—Catholicism lite—and a protest in favor of cheap grace. Hiding the crucifix is a march for a religion of short cuts rather than the steep road; the reward of heaven without exertion; a religion without cost and redemption without sacrifice. A stretch, you say. But the evidence abounds.

Where are the millions of Catholics boldly protesting the incursions of a crusading secularism against our holy religion? Most prefer the easier path of keeping quiet. Where are the large Catholic families that were the shining jewels of Christ’s holy Church? Catholics now prefer to hide from the cross and its sacrifices, electing to mimic modern man with his carefully planned boutique family of one and a half children, never realizing that such chicly modern families are the very nooses from which society will hang in its unwitting suicide.

The holy Gospel tells us that Peter kept a distance when Christ was taken in Gethsemane to face Pilate. Like Peter, we, too, keep our distance from Christ. We dread not fitting in. We fear the sacrifices of fidelity. We don’t want to commit the faux pas of appearing too closely associated with a Church so clearly out of step with the times. In our desperation to go along with the rest, we forget Chesterton’s warning that only dead things go along with the current while living things swim against it. In keeping our distance from Christ, our souls become mummified. We think we’re alive, but we are the walking dead—a heavy price to pay for getting on with the world. Can’t you hear the haunting words of the Savior, “For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?” (Mk 8:36)
When the fifth-century chieftain Clovis, pagan king of the Franks, first heard the story of Our Lord’s crucifixion, he shouted, “If only I had been there with my Franks!” Charming. But charmingly naïve.

We must realize that the Jews did not perpetrate this atrocity against God. The Romans cannot be blamed. This crucifixion is our doing. Each time we find excuses to hide from the cross, Good Friday is put on hold. And Easter never comes.

Fr. John A. Perricone
By Fr. John A. Perricone
Fr. John A. Perricone, Ph.D., is an adjunct professor of philosophy at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. His articles have appeared in St. John’s Law Review, The Latin Mass, New Oxford Review and The Journal of Catholic Legal Studies.

A message from Fr. Damian – PART 1

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

I hope this note finds you well as we continue our Easter season. As you are aware the 2nd Sunday of Easter has a special designation as ” Divine Mercy Sunday” which St. John Paul II added to the Roman Missal to celebrate and call attention to the mercy and atonement that we are privileged to receive from our Savior, especially as we avail ourselves to the Sacrament of Penance.

I know that Deacon Kevin O’Brien has invited parishioners to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm tomorrow through zoom.com.

Should anyone wish to avail themselves to the Sacrament of Penance please note that I am happy to meet with you.

Please call my extension (18) at the rectory (732-254-1800) and I can plan to meet you on the parish grounds while observing safe-social distancing for our mutual safety.

In her diary, St. Faustina wrote that the Lord said, “I desire that there be a Feast of Mercy. I want this image, which you will paint with a brush, to be solemnly blessed on the First Sunday After Easter, that Sunday is to be the Feast of Mercy, I desire that priests proclaim this great mercy of mine towards souls of sinners. The flames of mercy are burning me – clamoring to be spent; I want to pour them out upon these souls.”

For your meditation these days, I am delighted to share with you a reflection called ” Don’t Look Away,” from my former teacher and good friend. Fr. John Perricone.(PLEASE FIND THIS ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE AS PART 2 OF THIS MESSAGE) His reflection was published in Crisis Magazine and he has granted me permission to share it with you as we reflect upon the Cross of Good Friday & the Glory of Easter which brings us true peace, lasting salvation, and the fullness of hope in every way.

Be assured of my prayers for you and your families. Please remember me in yours and don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help or assistance to you . Also the members of the welcoming team are looking to reach out to our elderly parishioners, so if you are aware of any one in need or someone who is in distress, please let us know.

In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Damian Breen

A message from Fr. Damian Breen

Dear Parishioners of Corpus Christi Church,

As we begin the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week of 2020: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil/Sunday, albeit virtually at home and through various means, we can take great consolation that the Mystical Body of Christ is still very present in one and in all who are baptized into Christ.

As we have heard the phrase now more than once: by our efforts at social isolation “we are flattening the curve,” and that “we are in this together,” we can be reminded that this time of ours and our world’s trial does not mean that our souls should flatten or bottom out, for now is still an acceptable time for our response to God’s grace to heal, touch, save, and be renewed in Christ. Our present isolation from others can be a graced time, a pilgrimage of earnest responsibility, to deepen our faith, to strengthen our conversion and our union with Christ our Redeemer, and one another through prayer and love (charity).

Caryll Houselander, a British author, poet, and spiritual teacher, whom I enthusiastically recommend for your own spiritual reading wrote something very inspiring as taken from the excerpt of a meditation as found in the Magnifcat’s Holy Week 2020, Vol. 22, No.1, p.43:

“Already in this mysterious moment of time, at the beginning of the Via Crucis (the Way of the Cross), Christ has given Himself to all those whom He will indwell through all the centuries to come. Already He has taken them to Himself, made them one with Himself. All manner of men and women and children – the rich and the poor, the famous and the infamous, saints and sinners – all who will be redeemed by His Passion are in Christ, and His heavenly Father sees them all as Christ, His Son in whom He is well pleased.”

As we celebrate our Christ, our Passover, these holy days, may we welcome the on-going work of His redemption in each of us as the strong, yet gentle, humble Lamb of God, whose death is not a cause of shame for us – as St. Augustine reminds us, but o ur Lord’s death on the Cross is our greatest hope, our greatest glory…in taking upon Himself the death that He found in us (original sin), He has most faithfully promised to give us life in Him, such as we cannot have of ourselves.

May you and yours be renewed in the joy of the Risen Savior this year and always. Let us continue to pray for each other and for all who have been adversely affected by the pandemic in our country and the world. Let us support and pray for our first-responders, our health care folks, and all who share in the present battle to bring comfort to the afflicted, health to the sick, hope and salvation to the dying.

Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen, let us glorify Him!
Christ is with us – He is and always shall be!
Fr. Damian B. Breen, Pastor