Dear parishioners, during these unprecedented times please know that I am very much with you in prayer each day. I will be offering a private daily Mass for your intentions and for those for whom Masses are to be applied.
The bishop has requests all churches to remain open for prayer and spiritual nourishment. We will have resources and materials in church, on a table for you to use, on your own . Normally we lock the doors of the church at 6pm opening at 6am each day. I will extend the closing time until 730 pm to accommodate those who are coming from work and might wish to visit to the Blessed Sacrament.
It is my advice and hope that people remain close to our Lord these days of Lent and our lovely church is a wonderful house of prayer for all people to visit and be with our Lord.
The side door is unlocked and ready for you to enter through on all week days. If anyone is in need of pastoral assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me or the parish staff. Please leave a voice message if your call is not answered and someone will return your call.
Two pithy points to consider and mull over these days:
“Worry looks back, despair looks down but faith looks up!” And, “Man’s adversity is always God’s opportunity.”
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus always, Fr. Damian